Horse Trainer Memes You'll have to log in to facebook to see it. It starts off all funny and cute but quickly becomes apparent that it's also going to be used as a forum for personally attacking people. Well hell, if that's okay let's get it on!
The owner of the group is Justin Mundt. Justin is now a meme.

I bet his parents are proud! The one he still lives with at least! Justin also has a website! Justin Mundt As you can tell from the meme there are some issues going on. Who buys an already trained demo horse? That would be the person that cannot train a horse. Why is a trainer still working at Wally World? Hmm could it be because he can't get enough clients? Well maybe if you got out there and actually learned to train a horse instead of sitting on facebook and posting stupid memes about people you might score a few clients. Justin, here's a tip for you, whenever anyone searches your name in google from now on, they will find your page, and they will find THIS page. How's it feel to be all bad ass now?
But enough about Justin. He's posting monkey memes now to justify his existence!
Let's talk about the "mean girls". Now some people say I qualify as a mean girl because, well, let's face it, I say mean things. And I do. But my ridicule usually serves a purpose. I'm outing abuse, poor breeding practices, severe equipment or people that are just leeches on society. Outing these people is like picking on Nazis. You're allowed, because well, they are Nazis. Craig Ferguson had it right when he said The no one cares if you pick on Nazis.
However, there is a new trend now that makes that Lindsay Lohan movie just seem like good clean fun. I'm talking about the "you've pissed me off so I'm going to create a group to bash you" mentality. Yes, you read it correctly. Disagree with one of the little barrel racer screwballs or western pleasure jerk and spur crowd and they form their own secret groups where they sit around and bash you because oh, heaven forbid you implied that maybe using their shitastic bits and having fucked up riding skills was a bad thing. Come on you little deniers youtube is full of your videos showcasing how big a problem you are to the poor horse. So the mean girls come out and think they can trash people, create memes and just be the miserable self entitled bitches they are. Yes, I'm looking at you Leslie Sawyer, Liz Nitz, Rebecca Gonzalez-Cook, Carla Fletcher, Lia Jennson and the rest of Group Shame. You're a pack of ignorant bitches that like to act all bad ass while giving your horses grief and hanging out on your secret groups and bashing everyone else. You want to play bad ass on facebook, well let's see how it plays on GOOGLE where everyone can see you for what you are. Boy that sure will be fun when someone searches you for a character reference and this pops up! Whooot! Ain't it a party. Oh and when I start posting screen caps of some of the shit you say about other people in the industry it will get REAL! You won't be laughing when some other trainer calls your ass out at a show or it costs you a sale. Sure is fun to make racist, sexist, derogatory comments where the whole world can see them. Sure is going to help with the future job searches!
Oh and this blog has been around a long time. I simply lent the name to the facebook group just for giggles. But the blog is mine and will continue to post about all of you until, hmm, well the internet is forever!
Ms. Maus
Thanks for this info. Horse trainer memes is out of control. A garbage page where Justin airs his ignorance and as of last night was hiding Behring his girl Jenny J. Bail....showing her as the page admin. Our personal fb photos of us enjoying or suffering with our horsesare being pirated by jJustin and jenny and posted with vile captions them attacked and ridiculed like a bait animal at an illegal dog fight! We've asked they take down certain photos and my friends have also...they call us vile names and refuse us our requests for fair treatment. Horse trainer memes is a vile bullying and bashing free for all. It/they should be taken down and banned from Facebook.
Thank you for calling them out ! Horse Trainer Memes is full of hatred. At first their posts were cute but then they started getting hateful and bashing people for their medical conditions, etc. If you asked them politely to take down a picture, they came back with a vengeance and would start posting pictures of you. It appears the site has been taken down. I'm sure that's only temporary. Below is just one example of this site.
Horse Trainer Memes I'm posting these as often as I get them for some "public shaming". Don't send me messages to take shit down, I know the law fuckers. You have no power here moohaha
Like · Reply · 42 · 54 minutes ago
They are down...not found on Facebook as of approx 9 or 10 am pactime 02/01/14. Real folks are NOT putting up with pages like them any more...If they "float up" again we will see they are removed again.
If you go around calling one group out you should call all the "bullies" out. This singling people out crap is horrid. I have seen a lot more on F.B that have been far worse & I dont see their names listed. Im friends with a variety of people. Finger pointing has been going on for some time & its getting old. But if you go public as this, you mightwant to list all those iinvolved or not list any names. Just saying.......
Prob. Isn't it sad that, as I mentioned, it is singling out only a few people & not ALL those who r guilty- which is sad..... but its those few of us who are willing to stand up & say HOLD ON..... The whole picture iisn't being painted here..... Sides are being taken & its immature & childish. I thght we were suppose to all be adults - well adults dont point fingers & single out...... if you are making a public post, list EVERYONE involved or list NO names but the problem at hand.....
Ashlynn, let's just point out your stupidity, since that's the easies thing to do. This blog has been up since 2008 and has belonged to T J Maus that entire time, go search the Pleasure Horse forums, they hate me for a reason. I sold interest in it, because I felt like doing other things, but make no mistake, it belongs to me. So get your facts straight, Raven does NOT own this blog and never has. I allowed her to use the name on facebook because I don't participate on facebook. It bores me with the stupidity and slut selfie atmosphere.
Now let's address another issue. I suspect that the behavior you're citing from others is actually people NOT agreeing with abuse, improper equipment, poor training and just being stupid asses in general. Like 90% of the barrel racers I know. I used to compete in shows and rodeos and the shit I see today is disgraceful. So don't bring that fucked up whiny shit over here. The people that call out the abusers are the good guys, not the shitheads that form their secret groups, create fake ids to invade forums and that spread hate messages JUST because someone has a different opinion. So you combo bit using little stupid fuckers aren't going to get any sympathy from me. Neither are the little keyboard jockeys that can't even tell you how to do a lead change or describe the structural mechanics of their horse. Just because some little fat assed, low rise jeans wearing , can chasing weekend trailer trash can barely guide her horse around three barrels it does not make her a pro, any more than her low rise jeans make her a super model. The leg flapping, rein jerking and shit equitation show what a bunch of deniers you all are.
Lia, don't patronize me. This blog and the fugly horse blog were outing the assholes and taking the public hits before your bunch of little closet psychos ever found facebook. I've been at this a long time, in the real world and on the internet. A bunch of fucked up pole smoking wanna be barrel racers does not even scare me, neither do you and your peanut rolling zombiefied pleasure horses. And you can tell that cunt Leslie Sawyer that I have NO problem taking her stupid ass on, I've got the screen shots of her behavior and once it is posted here it will show up in google. So her rescue horse story is going to look pathetic next to her verbally beating down that 13 year old girl. You wanna play mean girls, well welcome to my play ground. Go ahead start a T J Maus hate group on facebook, no one gives a shit. I certainly don't, nothing you say or do can affect my life in the slightest. I no longer show, I hate most of the trainers out there, I do contractural for companies that could piss all over your life. So keep it up. Every screen shot someone submits to me of you and your cunt friends' behavior is getting posted. Imagine the shock when the people you were all back stabbing and using see your own words.
Heidi Bach, you're a stupid two faced dumbass. I've already got enough on your back stabbing ways to fill this blog. There is a huge difference between a person disagreeing in order to protect the animals rights, that an jackass trying to justify abuse and getting bent out of shape. You fuck ups wouldn't know good horsemanship if it ran over you. I look at your photos and just gag at the horror your horses go through. Jesus take some fucking lessons. Get off the internet and learn something.
Give me a break. I have nothing to hide & bring it. I dont care if you try to talk all big towards me. You are a bully. I know what I have done & I am proud of what I have done. I have never hurt a horse in my training & I take pride in that. Thats one reason people send me their horses. But if u have really done your homework on me then you wouldknow I'm no longer training due to medical reasons. Oh u big bad bully u....... way to go..... yep. U sure called me out. Whoot whoot. Im so scared of u. Nope. I have nothing to hide. Horse world wise, I have done nothing wrong...... so I dont care what u want to growl or snort or however..... I wasnt being mean to u but wow, way to crawl up my ass. Ya know, if u wanted to b that close to my ass I wldv taken off my jeans first & bent over....... Grow up. I can post my history here for ya. Again, nthn to hide & I have back up for ya of u wanna get ugly..... U DONT KNOW ME MR. DONT GO THERE. This is my real name, no hiding cuz I have nothing to hide - esp from u.
The hate continues in the new facebook group horse trainer meme fans....posting pirated photos with hateful captions. When asked to take them down....nope that does happen...the first admi Ashley Bennett got things going then the real admin "fluffee fluf" took over. Hiding behind fake names to do their dirty work.
Real people who have nothing to do with this hate group are being used like bait animals in an illegal dog fight. And that is just what this horse trainer meme fans group is...a forum for hate stalking and abuse of innocent unwitting victims. This abuse is "assault".
Okay, number one I think all the girls that you are calling mean girls should be taking snap shots of this. All of your swearing, making yourself look under educated and trashy, just saying. Half the stuff you say on here is completely bogus, and you know it. Your "followers" are brainwashed, and have to be stupid to believe any of this. It's ridiculous.
Maybe you ought to be careful who you lend your name out to, because they obviously stirred up a lot of crap for you, and I find it very amusing. You like to point fingers at everyone beside yourself, and as far as I can see, you are one of the biggest horse bullies I have ever seen. Since you like to tear apart people so much, why don't you post some photos of yourself riding? How about some of your horses? I would be more than glad to pick apart your photos as well.
Quite frankly you are threatening a bunch of people, slandering them, or since it is written it would be libel. And I don't go under any other names than my own, Ashlynn Marie Libby. Feel free to find my facebook, pick apart my photos, I don't give a rats ass, but make sure your own hands are clean before you go pointing finger. You have a nice day =]
There's something the SoSRS cohort doesn't seem to understand. "Attacking" is not a defensive move. Lia Jessen was gaslighting us there to excuse her behavior. Attacking is an offensive move, especially when it's undertaken purely out of spite for being proved wrong. I saw what was on the original FB group SRS. The only thing that happened was you girls got called on some abusive practices and tack. Normal people can handle that. You, conversely, created the hate group SoSRS because you can't handle being proved wrong. There's a condition called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and one of the features is that the person goes ballistic and vindictive when they're proved wrong. Their ego is too fragile to handle being wrong so they go all 287 kinds of nuts and sometimes shoot up a mall. Based on your behavior alone, it's possible you have NPD. I'm not saying you do, but your head explosions over being proved wrong are red flags. Lack of impulse control is another one, which includes wrangling up a posse and going after the person who wounded your fragile ego by proving you wrong. It's also concerning when a person exhibits a complete lack of empathy, such as not caring whether they hurt a horse or person as long as they get satisfaction. Narcissists perceive themselves to be superior to others and that makes everything they do okay, even when their horse breaks a leg during some entirely avoidable grandstanding. Narcs see no problem in using or abusing others for their own satisfaction. That's five symptoms down. Dear me, it's more concerning than I initially thought. There's one last hope. Since malignant narcissists are so self absorbed, they're convinced others are equally captivated by them and will almost always display an abundance of "selfies" on their profiles. They can't get enough of their stunning selves, and are sure that everyone on their friends list is dying to see their next self portrait. Even without the fifth red flag, there's reason for concern. Usually these people leave a trail of bodies in their wake, having drained person after person and moved on without a thought for the people they’ve depleted. They always make themselves the victims, too, "That horrible man only paid all my bills, went in debt for my horse hobby that's going to make me rich someday, but shopping with his credit cards matters more until they max out, and he was so abusive he expected me to cook once a week! Can you believe how mean? Such a control freak! I have PTSD now from his abuse. I’ll probably suffer for two days before I recover enough to hit the bar and groom another one. Once I've got him where I want him, I'm filing for divorce. God, I'm so abused." Where that's exactly what you did in creating SoSRS (went all raging, butthurt victim because you can't be wrong), it might be worth checking around for a mental health professional. You haven't understood this from the previous explanations, but there is a big difference between criticizing abusive practices, which was what SRS did, and being a spinning-headed, spoiled psychopath, who takes revenge by creating a group, and recruiting minions, to persecute whoever embarrassed them by proving them wrong. That's what your group was. Do you see the difference now, or are you still blocking? That's a narcissist trick, too. They block any information they don't want to hear. It's another one of those can't handle it things. Horse Trainer Memes was just a fake image created by a wannabe,, like how people who flunk out of the police academy become security guards. Not worth addressing now that he's taken it down due to being outed for what he really is ("can I get a stock boy to aisle seven for a cleanup? Colostomy bag incident!"). How embarrassing for him. That happens when you're a poser. Hopefully, he'll blame the right person - himself - rather than doing what you girls did. Posers will be posers, though.
This is an open letter to Justin Mundt and all his followers (Leslie Sawyer, Liz Nitz, Rebecca Gonzales Cook, Carla Fletcher, Lea Jennson, Britnee Woodward Whitehead, Ashley Bennett and Jennie Bail….can’t forget Jennie Bail !
Jennie Bail posted a picture of my dear friend John on the Horse Trainer Meme site (before it was taken down). It shows him participating in pole pending while wearing a bull rider’s helmet. Well if the above mentioned “know it alls” weren’t so quick to judge, they would know there is a damn good reason for John wearing that helmet. Not that he needed a reason in the first place. John had degenerative jaw bone disease and had to go through extensive surgery. Surgery; which caused him thousands and thousands of dollars. He can’t risk any sort of blunt force trauma to his jaw for obvious reasons. That’s why he wears a bull rider’s helmet and not your typical equestrian helmet. He needs the protection of the face mask.
Let me share a little bit about John. When he retired a few years back from the Fire Department, he found his way to his first horse, Dude. Dude was a rescue and over 20 years old. John learned to ride on Dude. They would only walk and trot. I remember the first time I met John. His stirrups were way too short ! It was hilarious ! My daughter approached him very nicely and just suggested that he might feel more comfortable if his stirrups where lowered. Because John was and is so eager to learn, he immediately lowered his stirrups. From that point on, John couldn't and still can’t absorb enough information about horses. He takes lessons regularly. He wants to be the best rider he can be. He takes excellent care of his horses. He has rescued slaughter bound horses. He has donated money and grain every year on Christmas Day to Tbfriends.
Well while Justin and all his “know it alls” were bashing people and attempting to make people feel bad about themselves, John was at a local gymkhana competing on his recent rescue, Radar. A fellow competitor’s horse tripped and she went over the top of the horse’s head and landed in a crumpled mess on the ground. She was unresponsive and in respiratory distress. John went in to fireman’s mode and attended to her. John saved her life ! Without a doubt, saved her life !
Justin was busy trashing people. John was saving a life. The world needs more Johns in this world.
I don’t recall anyone electing Justin to the position of God Almighty Horse Trainer, but if he truly feels people are riding incorrectly, training incorrectly, etc, he would have more luck if he approached people and kindly made suggestions... …like my daughter did with John in regards to his short stirrups. People will either take your advice or they won’t. But I can guarandamntee they won’t take your advice if you bully, ridicule and make fun of them.
The world needs more Johns of the world. Period.
T Jean Maus
You have no idea who I am & you have no right trying to intimidate me. For what you are trying to do - bully me is no different that what you are pointing fingers at of those you named above. You have nothing on me. I abuse nothing & have people bigger than you can dream of being that can back me up. I am not sure why you are jumping my ass when all I was saying is that there are a lot more people that bully than the ones you listed in your little speech & now you are trying to tear me apart. One thing you dont seem to understand is - you cant tear me apart. I have NOTHING to hide & I am NOT afraid of you. You are just an ugly bully JUST LIKE those you listed. If you had read my comments earlier you wouldn't be trying to tear me apart like I'm doing anything wrong. Far from ignorant - you only wish I were ignorant. Again, those you listed are NOT the only ones that bully or pick fights or other. I can list a whole lot more. I only wish you added all of the "bullies" to your list or not named any of them as you are now acting JUST like the ones you are pointing your finger at!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU..... Dont you feel like the adult now!!!!! You are JUST like them!!!! Way to go!!!!!
Plus...... there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a helmet - at anytime - while riding a horse!!!!! Anyone says diff is just wrong!!!! Its up to the individual & how they feel. Some shows & events require helmets. So, if people feel safer wearing helmets, I say - wear a helmet!!!!! More people should after all the accidents I have seen in my lifetime
Then why do you pirate our photos add captions and mock us Heidi Bach? If wearing a helmet is acceptable and in John's situation manditory! then why mock him???? Ignorance and selfish stupidity comes to mind...and calling my friend a skank when she asked for her picture to be taken is that OK? I realize that garbage is attributed to Jennie J Bail...but you're all doing this kind of stuff.
My other friend's picture went right back up on your new hate group page horse trainer meme fans and the credit goes to brittnee woodward-whitehead. Ashley Bennett is copable in that too she was the admin who refused to respond in a normal manner or show any respect...she's just as guilty as the rest of you. What a bunch of cowards...hiding behind fake personas like "fluffee fluf" and "brutallyhonest"....administers??? No you are just immature ignorant spoiled children who get thrills from hurting people.
You all need to stop it.
You're so knowledgeable Heidi Bach you list them. You're as guilty as they are because you haven't outed're part of the problem not the solution.
Hello. I would like to address all of you. My name is Brittnee Woodward as you probably already know. I am appalled by the amount of negative verbal vomit on this blog. You don't know me , and I don't know you. I also don't know, neither follow anyone named Justin. I would like to point out that I have never posted a picture of your friend john. I would never recognise any of you if I saw a picture. Anything that you request I remove will be removed within reason, if its a picture of you riding like a retarded chimp, I realize that could be embarrassing, to date I do not think I have slandered or embarrassed any of you on purpose. I'm simply having some fun, making some jokes, and continuing on with my day. Maybe you all should do the same.
Well Brittnee your statements here are 100% false....a lie. You posted pictures of us on your new group page as fast as you could....I watched you...and when you were asked to take down pictures you blocked us. You hid and now you do your dirty work from behind fake shells on Facebook like fluffee fluf and krispy and Ashley and your cronies hide and play vicious games hurting anyone you choose to hurt.
Brittnee the owner of theblog your name and your dirty vile ways are identified out here on the WWW...
I'd say that's a pretty good days work we've done here...for a bunch of, how'd you say it? "Retarded chimps".
I'll leave you Brittnee Woodward-Whitehead with this bit of advice...stop hurting people to satisfy your warped and perverted sense of "fun"...karma is a hot mess and you've stepped into the wrong area dear.
Wow, your impossible to even reason with. I have no fake names. As I said before how was I to even know who is in any of those pictures? All the pictures that I received requests to remove I did remove, right away. No wonder you have been banned. You obviously are deeply hurt by something. I'm sorry I even bothered to try to open a discussion.
Brittnee Woodward-Whitehead. What you're really saying is that you DID post offensive photos. What you're saying is you can't remember which person you refused when they requested you take their photos down. What you're saying is you wish you hadn't tried to BS your way out of this and now you've verified for all of us who you are and that you did post vile demeaning photos and disregarded our requests for them to be removed. Be sorry for yourself Brittnee you've confessed to your evil mean spirited deeds on the WWW. Thanks
Its OK Brittnee Woodward-Whitehead. You confessed...thanks...I'm done with you.
Never saw the pic so..... how could I have mocked it. & what the hell is this about a hate page? Get your facts straight before you dare throw me under the bus!!!!
Brittney - they only want to bash, they are no better than those they point thier fingers at. If you make a comment then you must be against them. Dang. If they actually read my first post then they would stop attacking me like they have been. I will go on record AGAIN - THERE IS NOTHING WRONG W WEARING A HELMETS, AS I SAID BEFORE. I have never seen the picture you were talking about & I still dont even know what it looks like..... so, not sure what ur jumping me about...... knock it off because it is making you too no better than those your friends listed above. YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM!!!!!
I guess I learned that. I am an honest person, I seriously was just trying to figure out why people are so upset....I have no idea, they act like I slit their puppies throat on national television....I don't know how else to say I have no bad blood against anyone! I would never purposely slander someone, even if they deserved it!
Britney normally I don't argue with idiots, but I will make an exception this time just for you. You posted a picture on your HTM Fan page of a friend of mine. I and several of my friends sent polite messages to you asking that you take the offensive picture down. You blocked us. Why ? Because you want to do your dirty work and not be held accountable.
So let me recap for you.
#1 You did post offensive and mean spirited pictures. You and your friends took them from the original HTM site and posted them on the wall.
#2 You received several requests to have that picture removed. Not just "one" request, but several requests.
I will continue to monitor your HTM fan page for offensive pictures. You can't block "everyone" so I will be watching. As long as you post cute, funny, non offensive photos, I will leave you alone. My friends will leave you alone. If not, we will hold you accountable. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Gymkhana, honestly I only got one request! I don't know about the banning, I have yet to ban anyone scouts honor. Im glad you can at least have a conversation. I don't need you to threaten me, I have no ill feelings towards anyone! Once again , I will state I am not purposely slandering anyone. I don't know what you people look like! Just making some jokes, and having some fun. Everyone should lighten up, the only person I have made fun of so far purposely is myself.
I have even been checking my other messages on facebook, I would post a screen shot here if I could.
Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt....didn't your parents teach you girls that? Well did they Heidi Bach? And you Brittnee Woodward-Whitehead???
We have not posted anything on purpose to try offend you all. If you see a picture that may have your friend on there TELL US. I have no gotten ANY messages from anyone ask to remove a post. Our intentions is not to bash people or offend anyone. I apologize that you have gotten upset from a picture that was posted. We are NOT the original admins from the 'Horse trainer meme' page and I do not know any of them.
Well that sounds good in theory...but allthe "admins" for horse trainer meme fans are "FAKE NAMES" . So how does that work. And you've changed your FAKE NAMES several times since your new hate page went up....we are not convinced...."qpalzm"...
I simply do not want my personal account blown up with notifications as we post many pictures and many people, like, comment, and share them. The 'fake names' are just for the fun of it along with the memes, as it is a group for humor after all.
Also this is not a hate page, we are not hating on ANYONE. The group is for people who can take a joke and not take it by heart.
Once you can stop pointing fingers & acting JUST like those you are bashing..... esp towards those who aren't picking fights with you but merely making a statement, then we too can take you serious. Until then..... you keep picking fights with those of us who have actually tried to make peace between two sides instead of making more hate...... way to go. You are no better than those you point your fingers at. I have yet to attack you or your hate group but your whole group are quick to attack me....... NICE. I'm the only one who has ever carried a white flag between the two--all while getting jumped by this side all along.... NICE
So with that -- who are the true bullies?
Nadine Henry Aka "Diney" why do you want to bash us, we have done nothing to you.
And Carla Mason, we only removed you from the group because you were trying to take us down when we first started before we even started posting things. Simple as that.
Our group is really full of a lot of positive people, scroll through the comments, no negativity at all, I'm loving it! And diney I have not changed my name. In fact I would be more than happy to give you my personal phone number if you feel that we have posted something so vile it requires immediate removal. Other than that please for everyone's sanity go wash the sand out of your vagina.
Brittnee...what page do you guys have now?
Horse trainer meme fans
You will see lots of pictures of me....making fun of myself.
Well this has been an interesting read to say the least. I liked Horse Trainer Memes when it started, but it just got a bit too stupid at the end there. Stopped by the new page - sorry, the admin is not funny at all. Trying way too hard. The dressage meme? Um...thats an event horse and it has a great topline...not sure how educated you are. Maybe someone who is actually a comic and knowledgeable would be better served making memes for that site.
I hope you have all learned a valuable lesson here. The internet is forever, making fun of people is wrong, and stopping horse abuse should be of the utmost importance.
Carry on children!
Ashley Bennett and Brittnee still didn't take down the picture of our friend. All this eronious sure can't focus. Take the picture that clear?
I can't seem to find it, but I'll be looking. Thanks!
Ashley Bennett isn't running the group any more, she handed it over to me the day it went up and she has nothing to do with the group anymore. And why don't you pm an admin which picture instead of bashing us all over a blog like a child? We would rather not be funny than be offensive, although it seems like most people like the things that we post.
Jennie J Bail I live and breath....there you are. You know the players you know the picture you know the requests we have all made....just do it
What picture do you want us to delete? I'll delete it. I would have done that in the beginning if you would have just pmed me or tagged me in the picture instead of going on this blog and bashing us. I cannot pm you on Facebook due to your privacy settings but,I will not delete the picture unless you delete the comments with names and bashing our page, Nadine "Diney".
Who is Jennie?
Thanks Jennie that's all I needed.
Okay...So who is Jennie?
I agree with you T Myers. The Fan page site admins are not funny. While at least for the time being, their postings don't appear to be bashing anyone, the memes just are't funny. Especially the "butt hurt" ones. You girls need to find someone else to create your memes. Someone who is actually funny. Just a thought.
Still have not received a request to remove any picture, T Myers, its an open group, anyone can post anything, I don't think an admin made the top line post.....but honestly who gives a fuck.
True Gymkhana true...the "butt hurt" bit is just dumb. That's just a dull carry over from the original HTM page, this new page is just a originality no wit
Does it matter how it is being run? It is a group for people to post memes. If its "not funny" and its not offending or bashing anyone why are you making a big deal out of it? Most people do like the things we post. I don't see why y'all are bashing us because of it.
Just like how different people like different comedians some may find certain things funnier than others it just depends on your own taste of humor. Do you have nothing else to do that bash us?
We have nothing to do with the new page by the way.
Heidi Bach, you took the words right out of my keyboard. Thank you.
I just find it funny now when people wanna accuse me of bashing - when they didnt do their homework ON me...... let me educate..... my sister is handicap. I work with the handicap, have since I was in elementary school. I am now disabled & can barely ride - but still try. Yes, I use to be a full time horse trainer & have been more places than most would dream - but........ due to several accidents & a bad neck break - well..... I barely have use of my whole left side. Now that some of you ill mannered - pick on the disabled - rude ass -mean people - who need to actually DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU ATTACK SOMEONE & listen to them sometimes when they say "Dont attack me, you dont know who your attacking" I am a true independent when it comes to most things (life-politics-rules-etc) so dont ever guess where I stand.....
Same old, same old. Horse women shrieking about crappy horse(cough)men, shrieking about shrieking.
Why is it that horse bitches are such psychos, is it something in the hay, or what?
Will y'all just shut up and learn how to ride well? Take care of your horse? Make sure he's happy and healthy? Give him the best you can give him, which INCLUDES being a capable rider too?
Maybe take a tranquilizer, to calm your out of control hormones?
Try to be nice.
Appears Justin hasn't learned his lesson. His Horse Trainer Memes site is back up and running.
Appears Justin hasn't learned his lesson. His Horse Trainer Memes site is back up and running.
And changing again to The Mad Equine....players still the same
My name is Vince Stead and I just got done looking at your site and really liked it. We make Horse books in Paperback, Digital and Audio too. You can see them at and the audio books are fun to listen to. Thank you very much and I enjoyed your site!
Awesome Posting
This is valuable and interesting posting.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Arabian horse
It's been a long time since anyone's posted on this...but I'm just curious to know more...
I remember when that meme came out of Justin's and total forgot about it. Until now. There are ladies going crazy about hosting clinics for Justin here in our state and I'd thought about going and just had this weird vibe going on. Now I know why....
Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this,like you wrote the book in it or something
Horse Riding North London
BHS Training
This information is impressive; I am inspired with your post writing style & how continuously you describe this topic. After reading your post, thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel happy about it and I love learning more about this topic..
Engagement Rings
1) Someone who attacks others WITHOUT defining their position IS A JERKOFF WANNABE - you qualify yourself "Ms. Maus". 2) LOVE to see you get on, let alone train a barrel racing horse - and watch, what I'm 100% certain, is your FAT ASS fall off and bounce a few times. 3) What's your claim to fame? 100% certain it's owning gentle, pedigreed horses trained by others, trimmed and shoed by others, doctored by others and believing you're a horse expert.
Have no clue about the blog you're attacking - maybe/probably deserved. You attacking barrel racers as a group is doing EXACTLY what you're bitching about! Apparently it's OK if YOU do it - just no one else is allowed. And again - HIGHLY doubt you've ever worked a rank horse - if so tell me how you load one in 15 minutes without getting killed.....
Love to film one of you great trainers 1) Catch a rank horse 2) TRY to get it in a round pen 3) Take out your little traning whips....AND GET YOUR ASS STOMPED IN 30 SECONDS! 😉
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