Since we've had several dressage people stop by I'm going to take a poke at their sport first. I've never shown dressage, but my sister did and she had several awesome dressage horses. What I remember of her horses is the fact they were really light mouthed and moved away from leg pressure if you barely touched them. I don't recall them lugging on the bit, or getting all foamy mouthed or looking like they'd like to stomp their rider as soon as they got the chance.
To me the horse at the right looks miserable. WTF is wrong with a person that they are using those bits and pulling back like they're rowing a boat? If I had ever pulled that hard on my old gelding he would have flipped over.
When did dressage turn into a tug of war between the horse and rider? I thought dressage was supposed to be equine ballet? This looks more like equine abuse.
Do they really think this looks good? That it shows skill and training? I wouldn't let that dolt ride a fence post, much less a horse.
Here's my idea of dressage: Rugged Lark bridleless. If you can't do that then don't pretend you're a trainer of dressage horses.
Rugged Lark Video
Come on people, take back your sport and make it wonderful like it was before. Now it's just a high end spectrum of horse abuse and gimmick riders.